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Eco BioTraps

Problem Statement

Eco BioTraps was finding it difficult to communicate the science behind their product and connect with their target customers.


Eco BioTraps is the world’s first 100% biodegradable and passive device that curbs the population of mosquitoes by mimicking a breeding environment for female mosquitoes and stopping the eggs from becoming larvae.

Creative Process

A unique product deserves a unique approach. We decided to move away from the usual tonality used in the market of mosquito repellent- fear. We chose to plan out the whole communication for them on empathy and their bold innovation. We chose to focus all the communication around the impact and innovation, steering completely away from the usual emotions used in the segment. Our branding strategy focused on repositioning the brand as bold, brave and path-breaking. We chose a vibrant colour palette with shades of green to represent sustainability and biodegradable quality and added neon shades to highlight their brave approach. Even for the typography we went with bolder fonts that would immediately stand out in all their communication. With their social media and website we focused on simplifying the science behind their product and the solution through illustrations. We wanted to capture all three core values and causes Eco BioTraps cared for- safeguarding from deadly vector-borne diseases, environment-friendly, and recycling waste to saving lives. We created unique icons to highlight their product's USP.

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